Sunday, May 10, 2009

Siberia, The Holy Russian Empire

Today I'm in a shantytown, where everything is completely primitive, no running water whatsoever. I had the interview with Sergei Ryshkov; He told me about his roll during the zombie war. His wasn't very nice, bu it was very helpful and necessary. Sergei was a priest, he's very old. His job was to kill in the name of God all the infected people. This was a very important duty and it was year round. He didn't feel very good about it but it was for the good of humanity, God's people.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ainsworth, Nebraska USA

Today I spoke to Darnell Hackworth, a soft-spoken man from Nebraska, he was with his dog, Maze. He talked to me about the importance of dogs during the zombie war, they would not only detect Zombies, but attack them. In the American front dogs were a key in the reconquer of the homeland. He said how dogs and humans were like one, when a dog died, it was horrible and caused many suicides within the dog controllers; dogs led zombies to ambushes where they were being taken down by the many other improved military techniques. In resume, they won the war thanks to the dogs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Aboard The Mauro Altieri, Finland

I was standing there besides general D'Ambrosia, he looked exhausted and somehow he still managed to tell me his story. He told me about the desperation of the army, and how hard was to defeat the zombies, because they were anything like human armies, they didn't need resources, food, even air; they didn't have a lider to kill or a city to take from them. They were on their own, they never ran out of troops, because with each one they killed it reanimated on their side, the only ones that lost were us, the humans, we had such a disadvantage, a lot to lose, while the zombies had nothing to lose.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kyoto, Japan

Today I talked to Sensei Tomonaga Ijiro, he considers himself a "hibakusha", because he was a victim of the bombing to Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII. He told me the story of how he didn't believe or trusted his friends when they told him to crawl because they saw a plane dropping a bomb. So there he was looking straight at the super powerful blast of the atomic bomb. He feels ashamed because he thinks he was worthless after losing his sight, he thought he was a burden to everyone around him. He scaped from home, his brother and his life, because of his depression. He ram to Sapporo where he met an Ainu gardener, Ota Hideki, who worked for a hotel. He became his master and taught him the art of gardening. He took him to the forest every day, therefore he knew the forest very well. When Ota died Tomonaga was so thankful to him, that he considered "going" with him. When the crisis started everyone was "fired" from the hotel, so Tomonaga had no place to live, he remembered the forest so there he went. He was ready for everything, even death. He was very pesimistic, and wanted to die, until one day he had an encounter with a bear, but the bear did not kill him, or attack him at all, otherwise he warned him of the prescence of a zombie. After this he understood that the Gods wanted him alive, so he fought for his nation and his life.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ulithi Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia

In this Interview, I talked to Barati Palshigar, He works at the UNS Ural, one of the American ships sailed in Micronesia during WWz this ship served as a radio station that kept everyone in the world informed about the crisis, they gave them tips and news from all over the world. He stated that ignorance was the biggest enemy, because if everyone knew from the beginning what they were dealing with. It probably could have been less severe and caothic. The name of this radio show was "Radio Free Earth." He talked to me about all the different radio stations all over the world, the one that stood out because it was the first one was Radio Ubunye, Ubunye is a Zulu word that means unity. Many of the workers in this station killed themselves, because they were traumatized about listening to people's stories and experiences, when they heard the people's sorrows and fears.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Province Of Bohemia, The European Union

Today I interviewed David Allen Forbes, who is from England. He talked to me about his survival experience...His was quite interesting and unique, He and groups of people went on to live in castles, yes, medieval castles. They pretty much survived as a community. Locked up during the regular year trying to survive, and going out during winter to collect and get more food for the upcoming seasons. He told me that his castle wasn't the only one inhabited, there were castles all over that were used by humans to survive.