Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ulithi Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia

In this Interview, I talked to Barati Palshigar, He works at the UNS Ural, one of the American ships sailed in Micronesia during WWz this ship served as a radio station that kept everyone in the world informed about the crisis, they gave them tips and news from all over the world. He stated that ignorance was the biggest enemy, because if everyone knew from the beginning what they were dealing with. It probably could have been less severe and caothic. The name of this radio show was "Radio Free Earth." He talked to me about all the different radio stations all over the world, the one that stood out because it was the first one was Radio Ubunye, Ubunye is a Zulu word that means unity. Many of the workers in this station killed themselves, because they were traumatized about listening to people's stories and experiences, when they heard the people's sorrows and fears.

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