Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yevchenko Veterans' Sanatorium, Odessa, Ukraine

Today I interviewed Bohrdan Taras Kondratiuk in the hospital for veterans' though there's no doctors here, just nurses, but at least it's warm and dry, and this is luxury in the dead of winter in this country. He told me his experience. He was headed to Kiev after an exhausting campaign. Because he was told that Kiev was totally safe and quiet, fuly resuplied and peaceful. But when he got there he was surprised that the city was in chaos, a complete mess. There he was told that the government had moved to Sevastopol. He was ordered to oversee the escape route at Patonia Bridge. There were thousands of people waiting to escape from Kiev. It was a compete mess on top of that bridge, they had to revise every single person, their whole body to make sure that they weren't infected, until he heard something, engines, he saw the planes coming he thought they were going to bomb the part behing the bridge so nomore people could escape, but he realized they were coming directly to the bridge, he thought that they were going to kill them all, but when he saw the omb drop he realized thy had a parachute, they were throwing nuclear weapons at the people. Everyone just fell as if they were put to sleep, but then all the infected people started reanimating, which made their labor easier, only zombies where up, so they shoot them out. I think this was a cruel act by the government eventhough it was easier to spot the living dead.

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